Keindahan Pantai Selatan Pulau Lombok

Seperti daerah daerah lainnya di Indonesia, pulau Lombok juga memiliki pantai selatan yang biasanya identik di kenal oleh masyarakat awam. Sebuah kawasan pantai terletak di ujung Selatan Wilayah kabupaten Lombok Timur, tepatnya di desa Pemongkong kecamatan Jerowaru. Tanjung Ringgit merupakan kawasan pantai yang berada pada dataran tinggi atau perbukitan dengan topografi berupa tebing tebing curam  yang terbentuk secara alami dengan tekstur batuannya yang tersusun dengan gradasi warna menarik.

Dari lokasi ini kita akan di sajikan pemandangan birunya samudera Hindia dengan ombak yang mnehempas hempas karang menimbulkan buih putih memberikan kenyamanan dan ketenangan bathin kita. Di seberang lautan pulau Sumbawa terlihat jelas dengan puncak gunung Rinjani yang menambah keelokan panorama dari tanjung Ringgit ini 

Selain itu juga di lokasi ini terdapat goa goa peninggalan jaman jepang sebagai jejak pendaratan Jepang dalam perang Dunia dahulu. Di mana daerah sekitar tanjung ini menjadi daerah kekuasaan Jepang dengan membangun jalur bawah tanah sebagai upaya pertahanan mereka dari musuh, dengan menempatkan beberapa meriam yang mengarah ke samudera Hindia yang di tujukan untuk menyerang tentara musuh mereka pada waktu itu, sehingga goa goa ini di sebut dengan Goa Jepang / Tangsi. dan meriam meriam serta goa goa ini masih cukup terawat hingga saat ini. Selain goa goa dan meriam peninggalan jepang itu terdapat juga sebuah sumur yang menempel di salah satu tebing di pinggir pantai yang anehnya rasa airnya tidak asin, melainkan tawar, sehingga membuat tempat ini semakin unik di bandingkan tempat wisata lainnya, di tambah lagi dengan adanya sebuah mercu suar peninggalan Belanda yang dahulunya di gunakan sebagai penunjuk lalu lintas kapal masih berdiri kokoh di salah satu bukit bukit di lokasi ini.

Namun karena lokasi tanjung ringgit ini yang relative jauh dari kehidupan ramai, dan kurangnya rambu rambu atau penunjuk jalan ke lokasi ini, maka di sarankan menggunakan agen perjalanan yang berpengalaman di Lombok, bisa menghubungi LOMBOK TOUR PLUS di nomor 0370- 7027587 atau bisa juga Pin BBM di 26676D76.

Committed Travel Agents by MakeMy Trip

Committed Travel Agents by MakeMy Trip

MakeMy Trip - a Response to All Travel

Make my trip, India's leading the online travel company was founded in 2000 by Deep Kalra. Designed to enhance the Indian traveler with instant and complete the options, the company began in the travel market U.S. and India. Its aim was to offer a range of best value products and services, along with advanced technology and dedicated customer support all day.
With the foresight to seize opportunities in the domestic travel market, caused by a number of new airlines, MakeMyTrip offers travelers the convenience of online travel booking at rock bottom prices. Quickly, MakeMyTrip became the preferred choice of millions of passengers who were happy to for a couple of mouse clicks!

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Travel Agent in India

Travel Agent in India

Co operation with a travel agent and a tour operator is essential while you are planning for a tour. Such an effort minimizes the tension in various fields up to a huge level. You can enjoy more. An agent and an operator both work for the same vision to make your vacation more entertaining and trouble free but there is a simple difference lies in the work process of both of them. There is a little difference lies in the services they provide to make your trip more entertaining and comfortable. Both an agent and a tour operator work for the same reason but there method is somehow different from each other.
There is a distinctive difference lies between the services of a tour operator and an agent. The responsibility of the tour operator is much higher than an agent. An agent does not have any such responsibility during the touring period but an operator can never leave the travelers during the tour.

It is the responsibility from the operator's end to continue the tour without any such trouble. For any kind of disturbance or trouble, an operator can be blamed but not any agent. An agent is just a part of the complete operating system of the tour. This can be said that a tour operator an act as an agent but it is difficult to find a prefer operator out of an agent. The responsibility of an agent is confined within some specific sector but an operator can never draw any such previous activity list from the beginning.
There are a number of such operators available with an easy search regarding Indian Travel and Tourism. They can plan your tour Packages in the most perfect manner and you will get a trouble free and smooth trip to the land of your heart's desire. India is a land of verities. Each and every part of this land is filled up with various attractions. People from all over this globe come to get the actual flavor of travelling this land. It is not a very easy task for the unknown traveler to explore all the unknown corners of this land. A good service provider may be required to overcome several issues.
Just a little search on the Tourist Information in India Holidays can give you enough details regarding tour operators and agents. This is undoubtedly important information for any unknown traveler to explore this land. There are various undiscovered portions lie in this land that needs to be developed and a good operator can help you in doing so without any trouble. There is a facility to communicate with the operator or contact with the representative of the operator with any kind of dissatisfaction and problem during the tour and you can get the solution within a few hours. It is very easy to have solution right away while you have an operator attached with you during any tour.

The operator is the sole responsible part of the whole trip and they arrange everything and can minimize your tension a lot. From your accommodation to transportation, from your breakfast to dinner the tour operator will be responsible and they will solve any such problem related with any factor while touring. They will make every contact to make your trip trouble free and enjoyable. They know how to make your trip most enjoyable and remarkable and try their best to provide you with all kinds of facilities whereas an agent is not at all responsible for any such liabilities. They are just free from all their responsibilities during the tour as they do not know anything except some primary services.

During this time of the year, you can visit the Central India wildlife. This region of India is dotted with two of the most popular national parks namely Bandahvgarh National Park and Kanha National Park. Both this national park are located in the Madhya Pradesh state of India.

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